Release introduces support for user-defined projct locations and project groups. There is also a set of improvements in many-to-many field handling in forms and inline editing mode. The application framework has been refactored to support addons. For example, release will support Offline Sync Add-On.
Inline editing of many-to-many fields is fully supported in the release on mobile and desktop devices.
The application generator now handles the following implementations of many-to-many tables. Tables EmployeeTerritories, EmployeeTerritories2, and EmloyeeTerritories use compound, identity-based, and GUID –based primary keys.
Here is an exampl of Check Box List presentation of the field. The previous screen shot shows “basket” implementation with Auto Complete.
New Project screen of the app generator has changed and allows specifying an arbitrary project name and project location. Developers can change the display name and group directly on the Namespace & Framework page of the Project Wizard. The start of the app generator will group projects and have them displayed alphabetically within a group. There is also a “top 5” or rather “last changed” projects rendered in a dedicated group at the top of the start page. If the number of projects is less than 10 then “top 5” are not presented.
This is the new version of the New Project screen. Note that if the Visual Studio is installed on your development machine then the Location is automatically set to [User Profile]\Source\Repos folder. The new app will also be configured to use Git for source control.
The application framework has been changed to support Cloud Identity, the upcoming membership system based on claims.
If you are using Cloud On Time app for development then make sure to install the latest version. If the app is re-generated then it will become incompatible with the prior releases of Cloud On Time.
See release details below: