Saturday, March 7, 2015
Bar Chart Type

The “bar” chart type renders horizontal bars for each row of data. One use case would be to quickly compare records grouped by lookup values. For example, it can be used to show the number of orders made with each employee on the Orders page of the Northwind sample app. The chart reveals that “Peacock” is the most active employee.

To use “bar” chart type, add the keyword “bar” to any “pivot-” tag, and make sure that it is separated with hyphens (-).

Data Field Tag
EmployeeID pivot1-row1-bar

A bar chart showing count of orders by employee.

Here is the data for the above graph:

The data for the chart of count of orders by employee.

Hovering over or clicking on a single bar will reveal the data behind that bar.

The tooltip reveals the value behind the bar.

When multiple values are specified for each row, a bar will be rendered for each value in a different color.

Data Field Tag
EmployeeID pivot1-row1-bar
ShipVia pivot1-col1

Multiple values for each row render multiple separate bars.

Multiple columns of data can be seen in the table below.

The values for the chart showing count of orders by customer grouped by shipper.

Each row can also be displayed as a single bar, with values stacked on that bar, by using the “barstacked” chart type.

Data Field Tag
EmployeeID pivot1-row1-barstacked
ShipVia pivot1-col1

The stacked bar chart type renders all values for each row in a single bar.