Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Tools for Excel: Action Groups

This is a typical view of action groups in a project.

Typical view of action groups in a project.

Consult the following table when entering property values:

Property Description
Controller The data controller that this action group belongs to.
Flat Rendering Flat Rendering will display actions as individual items on the action bar. When disabled, they will be rendered in a dropdown menu.
Header Text

The Header Text is displayed when the group is rendered in a menu.

ID The unique identifier of the action group.

The Scope determines the location and presentation of the action group.

  • Grid scope actions are displayed in the context menu of a grid.
  • Action Column scope actions are displayed in an action column on a grid.
  • Form scope actions are displayed in the action buttons row of a form.
  • Action Bar scope actions are displayed on the action bar of views of any type.
  • Row scope actions are displayed under a selected row in a grid view.