Thursday, November 29, 2012
Working with Field Outputs in Designer

A field output specifies a link between data controller commands configured to execute after Insert and the identity-based primary key field of the table.

Field outputs can be found on the Field Outputs tab on a command properties page.

Field Outputs tab on the Command page in the Project Browser.

They can also be found on the Field Outputs tab on a field properties page.

Field Outputs tab on the Field page in the Project Browser.

Option New | New Field Output on the action bar will create a new field output.

New Field Output action bar action in the Project Browser.

The details of a field output can be seen by clicking on the field name or using the context menu option Open.

Open context menu action in the Field Outputs tab in the Project Browser.

Field outputs can be deleted using the context menu option Delete.

Delete context menu option for a field output in the Project Browser.

Field outputs do not have a node in the Project Explorer.