Friday, October 19, 2012
Getting Started: Refreshing Project Settings

At some point during web application development with Code On Time, it may be required to change universal project configuration settings, add a table, or update an existing table definition. However, the web application generation process will not change the application pages and controllers without a project refresh.

Changing a Project Setting

Let’s change the layout of our project to Stacked, and change the theme to Social.

Start the web application generator. Click on the project name, and select Settings.

Settings option on a Project Actions page in Code On Time web app generator.

Click on Layouts option on the next screen.

Layouts option for Project Settings.

On the Layout page, select Stacked from the list, and press Next.

Layout has been changed to Stacked.

From the list of themes, select Social.

The theme has been changed to Social.

Press Finish to skip to the Summary page. Activate the Refresh option, and the Refresh screen will open.

Refreshing the web application. None of the controllers have been selected.

Only application configuration has been changed – it is not necessary to select any of the controllers. Press Refresh, and confirm.

Confirming refresh of the project.

When the application finishes recreating the baseline, click on Generate and wait for the web application to start in your default browser.

The new theme and layout will be applied.

Note that if any changes were made to page configuration elements, the layout will not be changed in order to preserve user modifications.

Employees page with Stacked layout.

Adding a Table

Let’s add the Region table to the web application.

Switch to the web app generator and click on the project name. Select Refresh option.

Refresh option on the Project Actions page.

In the bottom left corner of the Refresh screen, select Change Tables / Views… option.

Refresh window with 'Change Tables / Views...' option highlighted.

Check the box next to dbo.Region table, and press OK.

Region table added to the database.

The list of objects in the Refresh screen will be updated with the Region table checked.

Region table to be added to the application after refresh.

Press Refresh and confirm to refresh the project. Continue to generate the project.

A Region page has been added to the web application displaying a list of regions.

Note that the menu layout has been changed to include Region. If any changes were made to the application pages in the Project Designer, the existing menu layout will not be changed and Region will be appended to the end of the site map under a New Pages menu.

Region page added to the web application.

Updating a Controller Definition

Let’s add a URL field to the Suppliers table.

Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your database. In the Object Explorer, right-click on Databases / Northwind / Tables / dbo.Suppliers node, and press Design.

Design context menu option for Suppliers table node in the Object Explorer.

Add the following column:

Column Name Data Type Allow Nulls
URL nvarchar(200) True

Save the table and switch back to the web app generator. Click on the project name and select Refresh option. Check the box next to Suppliers controller, and press Refresh.

Refreshing the Suppliers controller.

Continue to generate the web app. When it loads in your browser, navigate to the Suppliers page and edit a record. The URL field has been added to the form.

Suppliers edit form with Url field added to the bottom.