Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Working with Actions in Designer

Actions represent commands available to the application users. Actions are placed in action groups, which determine where the action is located in the user interface. Actions are rendered as buttons or menu options.

Actions can be found on the Actions tab of the action group properties page.

Actions tab of Action Group page in Code On Time web application designer.

Action properties can be viewed and edited by clicking on the view action button or Id link, or the Open context menu option.

Open context menu option for Actions in the Project Browser.     Actions page in the Project Browser.

The Sync context menu option will select the relevant action node in the Project Explorer.

Sync context menu option in the Project Browser.     The relevant action node has been selected in the Project Explorer.

Actions can be deleted from the Project Explorer using the context menu option Delete.

Delete context menu option in the Project Explorer for actions.

Actions can be rearranged within the action group or moved to a different action group using drag and drop commands.

Action dropped in another action group in the Project Explorer.      Action placed at the bottom of the action group.

Press “Ctrl+Comma” key and enter action information to quickly locate the desired action.

'Navigate To' window showing a list of matched actions.