Monday, August 6, 2012
Overview of Views

A view is a configuration of the data controller composed of data fields and optional categories. Form views require all data fields to arranged in categories. Other types of views are incompatible with categories.

View Properties:

Property Description
Base View Id Specifies another view from which properties and data fields will be inherited from.
Command Specifies the command that the view will use to select data.
Controller Specifies the controller that the view belongs to. Can be changed by dropping the view onto another controller in the Project Explorer.
Create Custom Report Template When enabled, a custom report template file will be created with the name of [Controller]_[ViewId].rdlc. This file can be customized using Visual Studio.
Filter Expression Specifies an expression in the language supported by the database engine of the application. Field names used in the filter are automatically converted into appropriate SQL expressions at runtime. Parameters prefixed with “@” or “:” syntax can be used.
Font Specifies the font size to be used in the report.
Group Specifies a view group that will share the same filters with other views in the group.
Header Text Specifies the text displayed above the view on a page.
Id Specifies the unique identifier of the view. Can be changed in the Project Explorer.
Type Specifies the type of the view. Changing a form to a grid view or vice versa is not possible directly – use the Convert To Form/Grid option in Project Explorer.
Label Specifies the text displayed in the view selector.
Override When Specifies the conditions to be fulfilled in order for virtualization to occur.
Page Orientation Specifies whether the report will be printed in portrait or landscape orientation.
Report Label Specifies the header text that will be displayed at the top of reports.
Show In View Selector Specifies whether the view is displayed in the view selector.
Sort Expression Specifies an expression composed of a comma separated list of data field names, followed by an optional asc or desc suffix, that will be used to sort the view.

Example: OrderDate desc, ShipVia asc, Freight
Virtual View Id Specifies a view that will replace the current view when virtualization is enabled.

Learn to work with views in the Project Designer.

Learn to drag and drop views in the Project Explorer.

Common tasks:

Task Description
Configure a Base View Learn how to configure a base view in order to inherit data fields.
Configure Parameters in the Filter Expression Learn how to configure the Filter Expression with custom parameters.