Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Overview of Actions

Actions are rendered as buttons or action bar menu options in the user interface of the data controller view. The scope of the parent action group determines the part of the user interface that will display the action. Action commands with optional arguments are interpreted by the application framework. Custom actions can be processed with business rules.

Action Properties:

Property Description
Causes Validation Specifies that the action will cause validation.
Command Argument Specifies an argument for the action. Can be used as a tag or specifies the view for supported actions.
Command Name Specifies the command of the action.
Confirmation When not blank, will display a confirmation window with the specified text. Can also be used to call a modal form.
Controller Displays the controller of the action.
Css Class Specifies a CSS class that will be applied to the action.
Description Specifies a description for the action when supported.
Group Id Displays the action group of the action. Can be changed using drag and drop commands in the Project Explorer.
Header Text Specifies the text displayed on the action button.
Id Displays the unique identifier of the action. Can be changed using Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.
Roles Specifies the user roles that are permitted access to the action.
Scope Displays the scope of the action group.
When Client Script (JavaScript) Specifies a JavaScript expression that must evaluate to true in order for the action to be displayed.
When HRef (Regex) Specifies a regular expression that must match the page URL in order for the action to be displayed.
When Key Selected Specifies that the action will be displayed when a record is selected.
When Last Command Name Specifies which command the action will be displayed after.
When Last Command Argument Specifies which command argument the action will be displayed after.
When Tag (Regex) Specifies a regular expression that must match the current view Tag in order for the action to be displayed.
When View (Regex) Specifies a regular expression that must match the current view Id in order for the action to be displayed.

Learn to work with actions in the Project Designer.

Learn to drag and drop actions in the Project Explorer.

Common Tasks:

Task Description
Client Script Learn how to implement an action that will execute custom JavaScript code.
Calculating Values Learn how to implement a custom action that will execute an SQL business rule.
Multiple Edit Forms Learn how to dynamically display different actions based on field values.
Changing a Hidden Foreign Key Field Learn how to implement a custom action that will change a hidden foreign key field.
Simple Confirmation Learn how to implement a simple confirmation.
Modal Form Confirmation Learn how to implement a modal form confirmation.