Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Custom Input Controls, Status Bars, and ToolTips

Code On Time release introduces the following features, enhancements, and bug fixes:

  • Custom Input Controls are now supported by the client library.
  • It is possible to assign input edit controls at runtime.
  • Data fields feature the ToolTip property that allows displaying a standard browser tooltip for each field.
  • Data views feature Css Class Name property assigned to the 'div' element that represents the data view on a page.
  • New tutorials for the Status Bar are now out: 1) and 2)
  • Business rules fully support drag and drop.
  • Control and User Control property pages and Project Explorer context menu offer "Edit in Visual Studio" option.
  • Data Controller properties integrate "Edit Handler" option on the action bar and in Project Explorer. Selection of an option will open either the business rules handler or a shared business rules handler.
  • Option "Edit Rule in Visual Studio" is now available for "Code" Business Rules in Project Explorer and designer.
  • Dragging a page node after the parent with children is now correctly inserting the dropped page after the last child page of the target.
  • Designer toolbar offers Open button to open the project files in Windows Explorer.
  • New designer toolbar option "Develop" will open the Visual Studio solution of the code generator project.
  • Data Sheet view will automatically set focus on the first cell of the first row when activated from the action bar menu.
  • The bug with the loss of focus in the data sheet view in edit mode is fixed.
  • The sync is disabled when editing in the data sheet.
  • Improved processing of Read-Only When property in form views.
  • Advanced menu will work without membership enabled.
  • Application pages are sorted by index to fix the "out-of-order" page indexes in legacy projects and projects with custom baseline.
  • Designer correctly saves the Status Bar definition.
  • Web Site Factory creates a solution file during "Generate" phase instead of when "Develop" action is requested.
  • Blob processor uses case-insensitive methods when detecting the utility fields ending with ContentType, Length, and FileName.
  • Virtualization node sets now offer CreateField and StatusBar methods.
  • Method BusinessRules.NodeSet() can be invoked when processing data controller actions without raising an exception.