Monday, June 18, 2012
Working with Data Views

Data views are instances of data controllers that are placed in page containers.

The picture below shows the four data views on the Customers page, placed in two different containers.

Four views in two containers on the Customers page.

Creating a Data View

A data view can be created by activating the context menu on a container and selecting New Data View option.

New Data View context menu option on the container.

The New Data View button on the Project Explorer toolbar can also be used.

New Data View toolbar option for container.

This will open the New Data View form in the Project Designer window. Specify the controller and view. Press OK button to add the view to the container. The Id of the view will be automatically assigned, and can be changed in the Project Explorer.

New view created in container1 of My Test Page.

Moving Data Views

Data views can be moved into different locations.

Dragging a data view and dropping it onto another data view will place it after the target data view.

View2 dropped on view4 data view.     View2 moved after view4 when dropped.

Using the context menu commands Cut and Paste will also lead to the same result.

Cut context menu option for view2 data view.     Paste context menu option for a data view.

Dropping a data view on the right side of another data view will place it after the target data view.

Drop data view view3 on the right side of view2.      View3 will be placed after view2.

Dropping a data view on the left side of another data view will place it before the target data view.

Drop view2 on the left side of view3.     View2 will be placed before view 3.

Dropping a data view on a container will place the data view at the bottom of the target container. The application framework will try to assign the correct Filter Source, if it is available on the page. Otherwise, it will be cleared.

View1 dropped on container2.     View1 moved at the bottom of container2.

If CTRL key is held down when the data view is dropped on a container, the data view will be duplicated. If there is a name conflict, the new data view will be renamed. Context menu commands Copy and Paste can be used for the same purpose.

View1 ctrl dropped onto container2.     View1 duplicated as view5.

Dropping a data view on a page will move the data view into a new container at the bottom of the page.

Dropping view5 onto My Test Page.     View5 placed into a new container.

When multiple data views are dropped, they will be dropped in the order of selection. In the example below, the data views were selected in the following order: view1, view2, view3, view4, view5. The views were then dropped on container2.

All views on My Test Page selected.     All views dropped on container2.

Renaming Data Views

A data view can be renamed by activating the context menu and selecting Rename option.

image     View1 of container1 in Rename mode.

Deleting Data Views

Data views can be deleted via the context menu Delete action.

Delete context menu action for two selected data views.