Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Navigation Menus, Role-Specific Data Views

Code On Time release introduces the following features, improvements, and bug fixes:

  • Advanced two-level menus are now available in Premium and Unlimited editions.
  • Data views now support "Roles" property to allow additional visibility control. The "Roles" are evaluated on the server and work together with VisibleWhen property.
  • Property BusinessRules.UserEmail can be referenced as @BusinessRules_UserEmail in SQL and Email Business Rules.
  • Method BusinessRules.AddMailAddresses has been enhanced to accept "loosely" specified list of email addresses separated with comma and semicolon with optional display names.
  • jQuery 1.7.2 is now integrated in the client library. The future releases will add support for jQuery UI and JavaScript Business Rules.
  • Application framework matches methods with RowBuilder attribute first as an exact controller name match to the requested controller and as a regex match thereafter.
  • Page property Title is now optional. If the value is not specified, then the page name is used.
  • DotNetNuke Factory will load the projet in correct version of Visual Studio when both VS 2008 and VS 2010 are installed on the same computer when a compilation error has occurred.
  • Modal forms will retain scrolling when lookup fields are changed.
  • It is possible to reference master views in the visibility expressions attached to all objects.
    The implicit master field can be referenced as
  • The explicit alternative is

  • It is now possible to create a soft filter by Null value using SQL Business Rules defined as follows:
    if @BusinessRules_Tags is null
       set @BusinessRules_Tags = 'Tagged'
      set @Region_Filter_Equals = 'null'

    The rule will work with Customers controller in the Northwind sample.
  • Method ControllerNodeSet.CreateBusinessRules now support "name" attribute to allow dynamic creation of "named" business rules.
  • Removed incorrect reference to aspnet_User controller from the Membership Manager.
  • Quick Find will work even if Query by Example is set to "False" on the first field in the data view.
  • Fixed the issue with the "soft" filter being require to have a type of "array of objects".