Monday, March 1, 2010
Multi-Field Lookup, Code Formulas, Data Format String

The latest release of Web Site Factory premium project includes the following features:

  • Support for multi-field lookups that work in both, lookup field and master detail mode. Field lookups can now copy multiple field values from the selected parent record into the fields of the child record. The master-detail link will automatically assign parent record’s fields to the new child record if a parent lookup field defines the lookup copy settings.
  • Support for code formulas to allow just-in-time calculations when a new or existing record is being edited. You write the formula text and the Code OnTime Generator will automatically create a business rules class with the incorporated formula in it.  This feature requires Code OnTime Designer subscription.
  • Field definitions are now supporting Data Format String property in Code OnTime Designer. Previously, a data format string was supported in data fields only, which has required setting up the data format string for each view. If a data format string is defined on a data controller field level then the same data format string is being used in all views that have data fields based on the field definition.