Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Field Alignment, Layout Engine, Duplicate, Designer Updates

The update brings further improvements to Data Aquarium Framework and Code OnTime Designer.

The Framework layout engine is more accurate in detecting conditions that cause resizing of the page content and make the page rendering look very smooth.

Additional styles are now automatically aligning numeric fields to the right as shown in the picture below. You can see Unit Price, Units In Stock, Units On Order, and Reorder Level fields aligned to the right in both read-only and edit modes.


The new standard action Duplicate is now supported in the applications. Select any row in a grid and choose Duplicate. The data controller will switch to the new record mode and fill all fields with the matching fields of the selected record. The new option is shown in the picture above. The screen below shows a new record with selected data.


Code OnTime Designer has introduced full customization of generated pages with custom user controls. Also numerous additional options were exposed in configuration pages of the project. We will be posted video tutorials to illustrate these features.