Friday, August 28, 2009
Premium Subscriptions

Free Code OnTime Generator

Code OnTime Generator is a free product. It comes with a collection of free code generator projects, such as Aquarium Express and Web Form Builder.

Any code generated with free code generator projects is yours to keep and modify.

Developers can extend the product with their own code generator projects and use the free code generator projects to create the derivative works.

You can see the product license agreement at License Agreement (63 KB).

Premium Projects

Additional code generator projects allow you to instantly create production quality applications.

This includes code generator projects such as Data Aquarium Framework and Membership. The premium projects require the Premium Projects subscription.

If only a single developer is expected to use the Premium Projects in their work then a standard yearly premium projects subscription is required. If a large team of developers is planning to use the product then an Enterprise Premium Projects subscription is required.

Subscribe to premium projects here.

Code OnTime Designer

Premium Projects subscribers will benefit from using our new premium add-on product, Code OnTime Designer.

This product integrates into Code OnTime Generator and allows subscribers to premium projects to take advantage of a visual development environment to dramatically increase their productivity.

You must be an active premium projects subscriber to be able to take advantage of Code OnTime Designer.

Code OnTime Designer is not free. It requires its own subscription that must be purchased in addition to the subscription to the premium projects.

If only a single developer is expected to use the Code OnTime Designer in their work then a standard yearly Code OnTime Designer subscription is required. If a large team of developers is planning to use the product then an Enterprise subscription to Code OnTime Designer is required.

Subscribe to Code OnTime Designer at this link.