Development / Project Explorer

Actions represent buttons and menu options in the user interface that perform commands when activated. The location and appearance of an action is dependent on the action group that it belongs to.

Actions can be found in action groups under the Actions node of a controller in the Project Explorer.

Actions highlighted in the Project Explorer of Code On Time web application designer.

Creating an Action

Actions can be created using the New Action context menu option on an action group node.

New Action context menu option on an action group.

An action with a Command Name of “N/A” will be rendered as a divider in the user interface.

Action with a command name of 'N/A'.     Action rendered as a divider in the user interface.

Moving Actions

Actions can be moved using drag and drop commands. Dropping an action onto another action will place it after the target.

Dropping an action onto another action.      The action was placed after the target.

Dropping an action on the right side of another action will also place it after the target.

Action dropped on the right side of another action.     Action placed after the target action.

Dropping an action on the left side of another action will place it before the target.

Action dropped on the left side of another action.     Action placed before the target in the list of actions.

An action can also be dragged into different action groups. An action will be placed at the bottom of the list.

Action dropped on an action group.     Action placed at the bottom of the action group.

Renaming an Action

The action Id can be changed using the Rename context menu option.

Rename context menu option for actions in the Project Explorer.     Action node in Rename mode.

Deleting an Action

Actions can be deleted using the Delete context menu option.

Delete context menu option for an action node.